by Golem » Sat Feb 27, 2016 8:29 pm
The Dragon wanders the cave, trying to find its way around landmasses towards Bugaboo. The Dragon does know Bugaboo's position. However, it has trouble thinking far ahead, so it can get stuck in loops. For instance, if Bugaboo waits on the red ledge at the top-left of the cave, and the Dragon approaches from below, the Dragon will get confused and fly in circles under the red ledge.
The player must navigate Bugaboo out of the maze-like cave using a sequence of jumps. This restricts the player, since Bugaboo is dependent on the position of platforms for progress. The Dragon, though, can fly about the cave as it wishes, so long as no platform blocks it. On the other hand, its movement is slow, especially compared to Bugaboo's jump speed. In this way, the Dragon challenges the player to navigate the cave efficiently. Bugaboo has limited movement, and the Dragon has limited speed.
However, the Dragon is more than a timer. Because it moves about the cave in 2D space, it will sometimes force the player to adapt his or her route. When the Dragon approaches, the player must make a hasty retreat and cannot take time to plan jumps. (Remember that the Dragon can still move while Bugaboo charges a jump, but not while Bugaboo is in the act of jumping.) Or, if the Dragon is simply nearby, it may block off a jump the player wishes to make. But, in the player's favor, platforms will block the Dragon's flight path. As a result, the player can use the cave structure as a defense against the Dragon. The Dragon is dynamic and prevents the player from traversing the cave the same way each time.