by Yakoma » Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:57 am
Yeah, moldsmal can be spared on the first turn.
Froggit can be COMPLIMENTed or THREATened and then SPAREd.
For Migosp, just wait 1 turn so it then says he doesn't give a care in the world and then SPARE him.
I didn't actually encounter a Loox in my first run. I only fought 1 Whimsum which I accidentally killed so I don't know how to mercy it.
Napstablook is the mini-boss. CHEER him enough times while avoiding his crying attack and then SPARE him.
Toriel is the boss and it's just a matter of using SPARE enough times while dodging her crazy attacks. Toriel only has 3 moves but 2 of them are some of the toughest to dodge in the game.