December 1st - Podcast 1
-How are you doing? - Fox, Zanreo, Wariofan63
-What games have you been playing? - Zanreo, Wariofan63, Fox
Demon's Crest bosses
-How many have you fought so far? -Wariofan63, Fox, Zanreo
-How do we evaluate, break down, or otherwise come to understand a boss fight? - Fox, Zanreo, Wariofan63
-Would you compare them to bosses from any other game? - Zanreo, Wariofan63, Fox
-Do you feel well equipped to handle them? - Wariofan63, Fox, Zanreo
Quote of the Week
-"We're quite surprised that this fantastic feedback, and even the support from Apple, aren't reflected in the sales numbers. We assumed that if the customer ratings are great and we're visible the sales would follow automatically — which is not the case." - Christian Etter, speaking on Drei ( ... - ... enough.php
-Are there games you've enjoyed that haven't sold well? Why don't you think they sold well? - Fox, Zanreo, Wariofan63
-Are there any games you regret not buying to support? - Zanreo, Wariofan63, Fox
-What games are you looking forward to? - Wariofan63, Fox, Zanreo
-Any final words? - Fox, Zanreo, Wariofan63