Podcast 2 - Item Balance, January 2nd 2016

Formerly Echoes of Eridu.

Podcast 2 - Item Balance, January 2nd 2016

Postby Yourself » Sat Jan 02, 2016 5:16 pm

Hello and welcome
- How?
- What?!

- Which currency is most important? or just pick a currency and explain its function
- How do you convert one currency to another?
- - If you have an excess of currency X and you need currency Y, how do you work toward that? Actively?
- Where does harvesting currency drive a gameplay decision?
- - What factors override this?

Power-up strategy
- What's your favorite power-up?
- How would you divide the power-ups into classes?
- How are power-ups "priced"?
- - Economically
- - Environmentally
- - Statistically
- Where does harvesting power-ups drive a gameplay decision?

Level routes
- How do level routes relate to associate rewards?
- How do you decide which level route to take?

Goodbye and godspeed
- If you were a Mega Man boss, what would you be called?
- If you had final words, what would they be called?
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