by Golem » Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:24 pm
In general:
A.) move as little as possible
B.) bomb when you're in trouble
For A, you want to reduce the skill required as much as possible. If you're doing tons of sick dodges, that's going to make playing more difficult. What I tend to do is memorize the safe spot for an enemy. It's not as hard as it sounds, since enemies in Metal Black shoot in one, maybe two directions. If there's tons going on, I have to get into kind of a zen state where I can overlay safe zones. It may help to pause the game and find where you'd be safe.
For B, Metal Black has a screen-clearing bomb, but it's delayed. You have to start your laser attack, then release the laser button so it peters out into the scattered lightning (keep it held, and you keep the focused laser). Because of that delay, you'll have to memorize parts that get you, so that you can start the bomb a little early. For instance, there's one spot I like to bomb on round 2. When the third-to-last rocket appears, I know I'm about to get flooded with fish/sperm guys (seriously what are they supposed to be?), so I throw out a bomb before they come in. On the plus side, bombs last way longer in Metal Black, so they'll typically carry you through an entire wave of enemies.