Shouty: Also Soup I beat [the first] boss
SoupEgg: yay
Shouty: It was tedious but fun
I had to pattern lock him
SoupEgg: It sure was tedious
I just
golem: yessss speaking of bosses
SoupEgg: used the middle platform
lured him to the right
Shouty: Me too
SoupEgg: used the middle path
Shouty: That's
golem: same here
Shouty: what I did
SoupEgg: hit him 3 times
Shouty: Wait 3 times?
golem: i think i got two or three hits
Shouty: I only managed to get one hit
SoupEgg: 3 times
Shouty: Otherwise he would go invincible
SoupEgg: I'm too impatient for 1