There's two creepy ladies flying right at me and three bats below me.
Oftentimes, I feel like this game has a lot of stuff flying around at once. (Heck, check Zan's comments on the world 3 boss in the sign-in thread.) Is that the sense you guys get?
I think the effect is exacerbated by the fact that many screens are layered one on top of another. Sometimes, there will be several stories on the screen at once, and you'll take steps to move between floors, but enemies sometimes roam as they please. Or, you've got to plan it so that you go to a different floor without hitting some enemy that's zipping back and forth.
And, well, I hate to compare everything to Castlevania, but it's so easy, so I'm gonna do it anyway. Isn't the Castlevania combat a little slower? Not that Dr. Social himself is fast, but his enemies sure are. The Belmonts face slower, more powerful enemies.Statistics: Posted by Golem — Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:54 am