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VG Thought • View topic - Weekly Thing?

Weekly Thing?

Come here to talk about the Commune in general. What games should we play next, how should we decide what games to play, whether or not to call this Brook Farm, stuff like that.

Weekly Thing?

Postby Golem » Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:03 am

So Wariofan says to me, he says, "We should get together and do a weekly thing so people don't forget about the Commune." The trouble is figuring out what that weekly thing is.

We could record a weekly podcast, just discussing our thoughts on what we've played of the game so far.

Or, we could do weekly races--the first week, we'd race through world 1 of a game, the second week would be world 2, so on and so forth.

Would you take part in either one of these? Do you have any suggestions?
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Re: Weekly Thing?

Postby Zanreo » Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:50 pm

Hmm... I could join the podcast, only thing is figuring out stuff to say.

The races sounds fun too, how would that work? Is it recorded, or is it just us telling the others "hey we beat the level" or something?

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Re: Weekly Thing?

Postby Golem » Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:57 am

For the podcast, I think it could work if we all submitted discussion prompts like "What tactic did you use to beat the first boss?" We wouldn't need many, just something to get a discussion brewing. For each question we could start off by doing round table responses (call on everyone one at a time).

The races are trickier--we'd all sign on Skype and record our gameplay simultaneously. The problem with that is that it requires everyone to be familiar with recording gameplay without any slowdown so that the final gameplay footage matches the Skype audio.
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Re: Weekly Thing?

Postby Zanreo » Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:45 pm

Yeah, I don't know anything about recording from your screen, let alone recording game footage. So someone would have to teach me that.

And that sounds like a good way to do the podcast... I'm in, I think.

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Re: Weekly Thing?

Postby Golem » Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:10 am

I was thinking we might do something Sunday morning or afternoon EST (GMT -5).
-Who's interested in doing a podcast?
-How would that work for everyone? Zan, IIRC, you're 6 hours ahead of EST, right?
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Re: Weekly Thing?

Postby Zanreo » Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:17 am

Yeah, I'm in the CET/GMT +1 timezone... but as long as it's not after 12 PM (when I go to bed on school days), it should be ok with me I think. Your morning or afternoon would be my afternoon or evening, I think... It sounds ok, just give me a time.

I'm up for the podcast, I'd like to try that.

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Re: Weekly Thing?

Postby Golem » Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:24 pm

I think other people have expressed a desire for podcasting; would it be possible to post just so I can keep stuff straight?

Also, if we could each come up with a question, that'd be helpful. Don't sweat it if you can't.

For time, how does 1PM EST/6PM GMT sound? Open to suggestions for other times.

I also realized, we could record an LP instead. If other folks don't want to record game footage, I could record it myself then have Commune folks on as guests. Or, if someone else wants to record some episodes, that'd be cool too.
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Re: Weekly Thing?

Postby Zanreo » Sun Jan 13, 2013 4:24 am

6 PM sounds good to me, I think.

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Re: Weekly Thing?

Postby Zanreo » Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:55 pm

So we''ll be starting the podcast (or whatever we choose to do) next week?
Who's in? A list of participants would be nice.

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Re: Weekly Thing?

Postby WarioFan63 » Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:26 am

I'm down for a weekly podcast or Lets Play or whatever goes down
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