La Abadia del Crimen
(The Abbey of Crime) - An adaptation of Umberto Eco's "The Name of the Rose" for the ZX Spectrum by Spanish developer's Opera Soft. Something of a friar-simulator, gameplay revolves around investigating a series of murders while also following the orders of the abbot and the rules of the monastery. The player is expected to attend religious service, eat meals at appropriate times, and stay in their cell at night. A remake of the game with English support is available on stream as freeware(

The Lurking Horror
An InfoCom text adventure. The player is a university student trying to finish their term paper during a snowstorm. Discovering that their document has been corrupted they undertake an adventure to salvage the corrupted term paper. Influenced by H.P. Lovecraft, adventure includes encounters with steam tunnels, sinister beings, and a powerful evil within the school's depths. Rated: Standard difficulty.

Nobunaga's Ambition
Turn-based stragegy game by Koei whose goal is to unify Japan. The player selects a leader and faces off against other leaders in military battles. Army management includes soldier recruitment and training, buying weapons, increasing peasant morale, Forming alliances or hiring assassins.