September(ish) 2016 Poll

Come here to talk about the Commune in general. What games should we play next, how should we decide what games to play, whether or not to call this Brook Farm, stuff like that.

Please vote for each game you would be willing to play.

Clash at Demonhead
Ecco the Dolphin
Pinball Quest
Total votes : 11

September(ish) 2016 Poll

Postby Golem » Sat Sep 10, 2016 12:16 am

Please vote for each game you would be willing to play.

Clash at Demonhead
An action game where you explore an open world with several branching paths. Upgrade your weapons, learn new skills and talk to villagers to carry out a rescue mission.

Ecco the Dolphin
A peaceful game where you play as a dolphin. Use echolocation to navigate through underwater mazes and sing to the creatures of the sea in search of your kidnapped dolphins friends (dolphriends).

Pinball Quest
A collection of three pinball tables for the NES. Oh and theres also an extra RPG mode where you play a short little game where you save a kingdom by way of pinball flippers.
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