If it comes down to a tie... we can do a death match.

Axiom Verge
An Indie 2D shooter akin to Metroid. It is on PC, and it has a pixelated art style akin to H.R. Giger's work.

Pinball Quest
A collection of three pinball tables for the NES. Oh and theres also an extra RPG mode where you play a short little game where you save a kingdom by way of pinball flippers.

Sins of a Solar Empire
A 4X strategy game that runs at a blisteringly slow real-time crawl. Very friendly to "turtle" players, the emphasis is on long-term build up and distributed power rather than a race up a single tech tree.

Sonic Adventure
One of the first major attempts in the switch from 2D Platformer to 3D in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, and the biggest launch title for the Sega Dreamcast. Play as Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, a fishing cat, and a robot in 6 different gameplay styles!