StarTropics 2 Impressions

StarTropics 2 Impressions

Postby DanielPrimed » Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:39 am

A few of us said that we'd give this one a go. Curious to hear your impressions, especially regarding the variable movement and jump mechanics and the effect they have on gameplay.
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Re: StarTropics 2 Impressions

Postby Golem » Wed Aug 31, 2016 1:21 pm

I enjoy StarTropics 2, so I'd be up for replaying it. If there's enough support, we could make that the next Commune game.
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Re: StarTropics 2 Impressions

Postby Yourself » Thu Sep 01, 2016 12:53 am

I popped in StarTropics 2 and gave it a quick go. It starts off almost aggressively waist-deep - the first area has invisible dungeons? This is before you're even introduced to the concept of the underworld! And the first weapon you pick up is one a.) with limited ammo and b.) that you need to press Select to activate before attacking. First impressions are important, and this sets up weird expectations for what the game is going to be (unless I'm wrong and the entire game will have invisible dungeons and expendable weapons only). It's odd, especially after StarTropics wound up so elegantly, and suggests the devs are just assuming if you're playing this you already beat StarTropics.
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