Clarification/Useful Info on Moods

"How will Elodie fare under your hands? Will she become a kind and loving leader, a cruel tyrant, a magical girl? Or will she die from eating chocolate? You decide!" -Oak

Clarification/Useful Info on Moods

Postby Oak » Fri Nov 06, 2015 5:42 pm

Just thought I'd make a post to clarify one of the mechanics, since I know it was one I wasn't as clear on when I first played as well, and which you can't really know the actual effects normally until you actually trigger the mood, unless you look it up elsewhere.

In addition to choosing what skills to focus on and when, managing Elodie's mood is important to make sure she has the bonuses on said skills at the right time, and especially to not be in a mood that gives penalties. The game explains that the 8 possible moods are divided into 4 dichotomies:

-Angry v Afraid
-Cheerful v Depressed
- Willfull v Yielding
-Pressured v Lonely

However, what the game doesn't really explain as well is that these dichotomies are prioritized from left to right - so it's much easier for Elodie to be Angry or Afraid than it is for her to be Pressured or Lonely. IE, if she is 1 point up on all of her dichotomies (so, 1 point each to Angry, Cheerful, Willful, and Pressured), she will be Angry, since it takes priority. If you get her to the halfway point between Angry and Afraid but keep all other points the same, she'll be Cheerful. So pretty much, the best strategy with moods is to try to keep her around the middle area in all dichotomies as much as possible so that it's easiest to just change her mood to the specific one you want, rather than needing to use several activities to sway her to another direction.

Also, for convenience and since it's not as easy to find in the game itself unless you already have the mood, here's just a list of the actual bonuses/penalties each Mood gives:

Angry: Bonus to Weapons and Military. Penalty to Royal Demeanor, Expression, Animal Handling, and Medicine.

Afraid: Bonus to Agility and Faith. Penalty to Royal Demeanor, Weapons, Intrigue, and Military.

Cheerful: Bonus to Conversation and Athletics. Penalty to Weapons, Intrigue, and Military.

Depressed: Bonus to Expression and Animal Handling. Penalty to Royal Demeanor, Athletics, and Conversation.

Willful: Bonus to Intrigue, Military, and Lumen. Penalty to Royal Demeanor, History, and Economics

Yielding: Bonus to Royal Demeanor, History, and Faith. Penalty to Weapons and Lumen.

Pressured: Bonus to Athletics and Faith. Penalty to Conversation, History, and Economics.

Lonely: Bonus to Conversation and Medicine. Penalty to Royal Demeanor, Intrigue, and Faith.

EDIT: One final note: These bonuses and penalties are ONLY to how fast she learns the skill, NOT to her actual check with the skill that week. It just means that if you choose to learn a skill she has a penalty in, she'll learn it at a slower than usual rate, while faster with a bonus. There is nothing that will give an overall penalty to her actual check - However, there is a way to give a Bonus/Increase to her numbers in a skill for checks - that's what the Outfits are for.
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