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VG Thought • View topic - Best and worst games in a series

Best and worst games in a series

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Best and worst games in a series

Postby Zanreo » Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:03 pm

If you've played several games from the same franchise you probably think some are better than others. So, which games do you think is the best and worst one? Pleas try to keep it to games you've actually played - as easy as it is to list the CD-i Zeldas as worst Zelda game, try listing something you have an opinion on from your own experience (unless you've actually played CD-i Zelda). I'd say you also should preferably have played at least 3-4 games, but hey, those are just suggestions.

Here's mine. Note that "worst" doesn't mean it's a "bad" game, just that I enjoyed it less than the others. I haven't played a lot of games I consider "bad", not sure if that's because I'm too forgiving or I'm just that awesome at picking out what games are good or at least decent.) List might change as I play new games in the series. Series where I've played all the games (released at the time of writing) are marked with *

Kirby (haven't tried Superstar Saga or Canvas Curse):
Best: Kirby's Adventure Wii/Return to Dreamland
Worst: Amazing Mirror (Still okay, but a bit annoying)

Pokémon* (main RPG series - not counting spinoffs):
Best: X/Y, honorable mention: Heartgold/Soulsilver
Worst: Red/Blue (I appreciate how they started out the series and all, but I don't think they've aged well from today's perspective)

2D Mario* (main platform series - not counting spinoff games and series):
Best: Super Mario World
Worst: Lost Levels (It's just SMB on SUPER HARD FOR THE SAKE OF HARD mode...)

3D Mario* (main platform series - not counting spinoff games and series):
Best: Super Mario 3D World (honorable mention: Galaxy 2, 64 DS)
Worst: Super Mario Sunshine (though I'll be honest, haven't gotten very far in it)

Mario & Luigi* :
Best: Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
Worst: Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (Still good, though)

Rhythm Heaven*:
Best: Rhythm Heaven Fever
Worst: Rhythm Heaven (DS) (Still a great game, I just liked the others more)

Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents*: (Counting them under the same since it's pretty much the same game)
Best: Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2
Worst: Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan (It's the unskippable cutscenes)

Wario Land*:
Best: Wario Land 4
Worst: Wario Land 3

Warioware (haven't tried Twisted or Snapped):
Best: Warioware: Mega Microgame$/Minigame Mania
Worst: Warioware DIY (I liked making my own games, but disappointed in how few levels/pre-made games the game had... Outside of own content it's way too short)

Ace Attorney* :
Best: Trials and Tribulations, honorable mention: Dual Destinies
Worst: Justice for All (Even though "the miracle never happen" is one of my favorite cases)

Yoshi's Island* :
Best: Yoshi's Island
Worst: Yoshi's Island DS

Katamari (haven't tried Katamari Damacy(because region lock), Touch my Katamari, Beautiful Katamari or the iOS game)
Best: Katamari Forever
Worst: Me & My Katamari

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Re: Best and worst games in a series

Postby fantanoice » Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:47 am

Mario 2D
Best: Super Mario Bros 3
Worst: Super Mario World (I can't feel the love for it come at me)

Mario 3D
Best: Super Mario 64
Worst: Super Mario 3D Land

Best: Tie between GSC/HGSS and BW
Worst: DPPl

Ace Attorney
Best: Apollo Justice, followed closely by the original and TaT
Worst: Justice for All, though I found Dual Destinies pretty disappointing as well

Banjo Kazooie
Best: Tie between Kazooie and Tooie
Worst: Grunty's Revenge but was disappointed with Nuts and Bolts

Donkey Kong Country
Best: DKC3
Worst: DKC

Animal Crossing
Best: New Leaf
Worst: Lets Go To The City / City Folk

Paper Mario
Best: The Thousand Year Door
Worst: Uuuuuuh I really love both the original and SPM so I can't pick :<

Mario Kart
Best: 7, but idk I really like 64, Double Dash and 8 as well
Worst: Eeeee, probably SMK, I hate the physics in it

All I can think of right now
Games Released:
(2015) | (2014)

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Re: Best and worst games in a series

Postby Golem » Sun Feb 08, 2015 9:21 pm

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Re: Best and worst games in a series

Postby fantanoice » Sat Feb 14, 2015 12:48 pm

Games Released:
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Re: Best and worst games in a series

Postby Zanreo » Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:14 am

Some MORE:

Smash Bros. (haven't played smash 64):
Best: Smash 4
Worst: Melee (yep. Most characters I like playing as were introduced in brawl or 4 is a big reason for this)

Also changing my favorite Pokemon game to Sun/Moon

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