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S-S-S-Secrets and B-B-B-Bonus levels?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 5:08 pm
by Sky-Fox

I've been trying to go through the game without save states so I've been starting from the beginning of the game whenever I die. But this time when I restarted I got this mega power-up streak and blasted through levels 1 and 2. But when I finished with level 2, I didn't get the mermaid level, I got this neato spooky battleship level that basically destroyed me. Had Flight of the Valkyries playing if I remember right. Anybody else run into anything like this?

Re: S-S-S-Secrets and B-B-B-Bonus levels?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:33 am
by Golem
I play the same way, and I think I bump into the battleship after level 2 or 3 pretty regularly. I'm not sure which, but I am sure I have never completed it. It kinda sucks because I'll have a good run going and then lose all my powerups.

It also sucks because you can't rehearse it. One death and you're out.

But it is a funny looking battleship!

Re: S-S-S-Secrets and B-B-B-Bonus levels?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:51 am
by Golem
Finally cleared this level tonight. Once the battleship goes away, you're pretty much home free. The boss is uh... interesting. Note: you're safe from its big attack at the very top and the very bottom of the screen.