- How does it affect your direction of attack, when you pick up power-ups, which bumper to hit next, etc.
2.) How do you prioritize your dynamic variables against the others?
- How do they play into each other?
3.) Name one static variable (always the same every play) that influences your choice of block to attack.
- How does it affect your direction of attack?
- How do the dynamic variables discussed influence your evaluation of this static one?
4.) How often does the game introduce new values for your static variable?
- When do changes occur?
- How many elements change simultaneously?
5.) Pick a level (or single screen), explain the static variables in play (from those discussed), and give some idea how it plays out (in your experience) through the dynamic variables discussed.
- Compare notes!
- Do the static variables create a predictable flow of dynamic variables?
- Are the variables in play sufficient to comprise a level theme?Statistics: Posted by Yourself — Sat Mar 28, 2015 8:22 pm